Have You Been Arrested or Received an Unfair Traffic Violation?

When you have been arrested or charged with a crime, the first phone call you need to make is to Gellhaus & Gellhaus Attorneys at Law in Aberdeen. We are experts in a variety of criminal law cases including, driving under the influence (DUI), traffic tickets and violations, drug charges, assault, and more. Our attorneys will do a complete evaluation of your case to help determine what will be the best course of action. Whether it is going to court, filing a plea bargain, or settling out of court, we have the legal expertise to help you. Call us today at 605-225-6522 for more information!

Also serving the Watertown, SD community.


Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious crime and can have far reaching collateral consequences. We can provide important advice in understanding the charges and the legal process, and in mounting a defense and mitigation of collateral consequences.

If you have been charged with a DUI, choose Gellhaus & Gellhaus to represent your legal rights in the hopes of reducing or dropping your sentencing. Our team has been representing the Aberdeen community for years, and we know what it takes to defend your license and your future. Contact us by calling us at 605-225-6522, or emailing us here to schedule your initial consultation today.

Also serving the community of Watertown.

Traffic Violations

Did you receive a speeding ticket you felt was unjust? Or a police officer said you ran a red light, but you disagree? Then it is important to give our team a call. We will assess the ticket or violation, do an investigation and determine your best course of action whether or not to fight the charge, or plead no contest.

Violent Crimes

Many crimes involving domestic relationships can carry substantial penalties to your gun rights. Violent crimes and domestic assaults can result in serious repercussions, including jail time and lasting consequences. A defense attorney can provide invaluable guidance in comprehending the charges and the legal procedure, and in creating a defense.

Drug Charges

Drug charges, including those related to marijuana and other controlled substances, can carry serious penalties. We can provide invaluable guidance in understanding the charges and the legal procedure, and in constructing a defense.


Expungement is the legal process of sealing criminal records so that they are not accessible to the public. We can provide important advice in understanding the expungement process and determining if a person is eligible. We also represent clients in court to get their records expunged.

Sex Crimes

Sex crimes can lead to severe punishments and a lifelong criminal record with many collateral consequences. We can provide important advice in understanding the charges and the legal process, and in mounting a defense.

Burglary & Theft

Burglary and theft are criminal offenses that can carry serious consequences. We can provide essential counsel in comprehending the charges and the legal procedure, and in building a defense.

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